Tuesday, November 29, 2005

More of Rome

It's true...Richele was ready for Rome! Here we come!! Richele and I flew out of Budapest with two other teachers for Rome on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day!

Corny bars are Richele and I's favorite! These are just like granola bars from the States...though I think I had a Corny bar overload while in Rome
Trail Mix...not looking so good anymore after eating it for 3 days...
Food is expensive in Rome, so for lunch I would eat trail mix or a Corny bar...you can tell I am a Streicher! Dinners were usually pasta or pizza...by the time I arrived home I wanted a big steak...like the ones Mr. Lacey makes!

Here is the Fountain of Trevia
(You need to watch the Lizzie McGuire Movie and you'll see this fountain...it is also in some old black and white movies) All the fountains in Rome are powered by aqueducts

It's true...I saw the REAL Sistine Chapel!
The School of Athens by Raffaello

This is St. Peter's which is a church in Rome. The Pope holds mass here in the square. Every Sunday a crowd gathers for the Pope to bless them...no I didn't see the Pope...but some of my friends did...I was one of the only 3 who didn't! Oh well!

This monument was made by Bernini and is the center piece inside of St. Peter's

The ceiling...

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